“Modern Trends in Particle Physics”
International Conference devoted to the 35 year celebration of HEPI TSU
26-27 November, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia
Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Chavchavadze av. 1
Wednesday, November 25: Arrival (early morning); Tbilisi Tour (14:00 - !8:30)
Welcome Reception for invited guests (19:00 – 21:00)
(Hotel “ORIONI”)
Thursday, November 26, 10:00 - 18:30 (TSU, Main Building, Auditorium 115)
10:00 – 11:30 Opening Ceremony (auditorium 115)
M.Eliashvili (Vice-Rector) - Open
V.Papava (Rector) - Congratulatory speech
Awarding TSU medal to HEPI Scientists
Congratulatory Addresses of Guests (Japan, Germany, Russia,
Switzerland, Georgian Organizations, in 5 min)
M. Nioradze - HEPI TSU 35 Year
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break (Foyer of Acting Hall)
12:00 – 13:30 General Session 1 (chaired by M. Eliashvili)
12:00 Y.Kuno (Osaka Univ.)
Flavor Physics and Intensity Frontier of Particle Physics
12:30 V.Kekelidze (JINR)
Status of the NICA project at JINR
13:00 A. Kacharava (FZ-Jülich)
Jülich-HEPI TSU cooperation: from COSY to JEDI project
Conference Photo (at front staircase of main entrance)
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – l6:30 General Session 2 (chaired by A. Khelashvili)
15:00 V.Kartvelishvili (Lancaster Univ., United Kingdom)
Heavy quarkonium spectroscopy in ATLAS
15:30 R.Jafarov (Baku Univ.)
“Landau Pole” problem in quantum field theory and
Models: from 50th of last century to present day
16:00 M.Chavleishvili (JINR)
General principles of symmetry and spin particle reaction
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break (Ground floor)
17:00 – 18:30
17:00 Awarding TSU honorary degree to P.Jenni (CERN)
17:30 P. Jenni
The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond at the LHC
19:00 Banquet
Friday, November 27, 10:00 – 18:30 (TSU, Main Building, Auditorium 115)
10:00 – 11:30 General Session 3 (chaired by R. Shanidze)
10:00 S.Mihara (J-PARC, Japan)
Muon particle physics at J-PARC
10:30 A.Kulikov (JINR)
Intermediate energy physics experiments in Dzhelepov Laboratory of
Nuclear Problems, JINR, Dubna
11:00 G.Devidze (HEPI TSU)
Theoretical research of particle physics at HEPI TSU
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break (Ground floor)
12:00 – 13:30 General Session 4 (chaired by V. Kartvelishvili)
12:00 V. Komarov (JINR)
Observation of the isovector dibaryon resonance-like states with a mass
of 2.2 GeV/c2
12:30 I.Minashvili (CERN)
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter status after LHC first long shutdown (LSI)
13:00 A.Machavariani (JINR)
r production and r-w mixing in the pp inclusive reaction within the
relativistic quark approach
14:00 – 15:30 Lunch
15:30 – 17:15 General Session 5 (chaired by A.Kacharava)
15:30 T.Djobava (HEPI TSU)
HEPI TSU activities at ATLAS experiment
16:00 B.Chargeishvili (HEPI TSU)
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter E4 scintillators role in the physics objects calibration
16:15 D.Mchedlishvili (FZ-Jülich)
Contribution of HEPI TSU group to NN scattering experiments
16:45 R.Shanidze (DESY, Zeuthen)
Astroparticle physics and high energy neutrinos
Closing – M.Nioradze
20:00 Social Event (R.Gabriadze’s Marionette Theatre)
Saturday, November 28, 10:00
Excursion: Upliscikhe (town in rock), Gori (Stalin’s Museum)